Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Zombily Ever After

My second single, Zombily Ever After, was released on Friday the 13th of January 2017. Unfortunately, I was unable to make a post about it until now, but here it is:
My album, 13-Year Cicada Cycle: Emergence, will be released this Friday (February 3, 2017). You can pre-order the album for the low price of $7.99 on Amazon (click here). Below is the cover after for the album:
Zombily ever after is also available on Amazon and iTunes. You can also listen to this new single on Spotify (click here).

-Monster Matrix

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

New single "100%" out now!

For those who have not heard yet, my first single is available now.  Listen to the song, 100%, on Spotify (here). You can also listen to the song on YouTube by playing the video below:
You can also buy the single on iTunes (click here) and Amazon (click here).

I also have been making new websites and social media networks to distribute my music and videos.  I will provide links for these, as well as information about my second single, Zombily Ever After, (due out on January 13, 2017) very soon!

-Monster Matrix

Sunday, December 25, 2016

100%, First Single Announcement

Hello and Happy Holiday! 

Here is the official announcement for the first single by Monster Matrix, 100%, which will be released January 1, 2017

This is the first song that I ever made. I was 12-year old 7th grader in Southern Indiana at the time that I made this song. Mr. Watson, my middle school computer science teacher, taught our class how to program and produce music using ACID music studio. I created this song for a required course project that I received a 100% on, hence the name of this song "100%." 

Since 100% was the first song that I made, it only seemed fitting to make the track my first single. The song is a rap rock instrumental with scratches. You can pre-order the song on Amazon now (click here).

Here is the cover artwork for the single:

 -Monster Matrix

Friday, December 23, 2016

Introducing Monster Matrix


I am Monster Matrix, a musician that has been hidden for almost 13 years. I produced my first song on February 3, 2004 when I was in 8th grade. I have been working on a 13-year project since. 2017 marks this 13th year of producing and programming for me. Therefore, I will debut my music in 2017, and I will make 13 releases in this year (3 albums, 10 singles). Given that it took me 13 years to emerge, I decided to call this project "13-Year Cicada Cycle." For those who are unaware, a cicada is an insect. More specifically, but still in lay-terms, there are two primary types of periodical cicadas. Periodical cicadas are cicadas that emerge from underground in a time-specific cycle to mate. One type emerges from underground every 13 years, whereas the other type emerges every 17 years. Here is what a cicada looks like:
Magicicada Brood XXIII UMFS 2015 2.JPG

Beautiful, right? No? Well, the music that they make is beautiful. Given this fact and their unique cycles of emergence, these creatures served as an inspiration for this series of musical releases. The 3 albums will be released as follows:

13-Year Cicada Cycle: Emergence (February 3, 2017)
13-Year Cicada Cycle: Mating Season (July 29, 2017)
13-Year Cicada Cycle: Burrow Into Darkness (October 13, 2017)

Each album has a musical theme, as well as a color theme for cover artwork for the album and associated singles. Emergence, the first album of the series, has an atmospheric musical vibe. The covers for the album and associated singles are purple. Mating Season, the second album of the series, has a hip hop musical vibe. The covers for the album and associated singles are green. Burrow Into Darkness, the last album of the series, has a gothic musical vibe. The covers for the album and associated singles are red.

All of the covers for these 13 releases were created from a picture that I drew based on the above cicada picture. The base drawing, along with my logo that I created, can be viewed below:

The first single will be released on January 1, 2017. On Christmas, I will announce the title and release the cover artwork for this single. So, be on the look out!

I am excited to share my art with you, and I hope that you are excited to hear and see it! :)

-Monster Matrix